Monday, August 23, 2004

Oh My....

Just realized that 'some' people signed up a blogger account in order to be able to post comment on my blog. Isn't that cool??? Hey you, didn't you learn that in this world the genius already created a thing called sitemeter? That's how I can figure out who and where you are. Do I know someone 'there' who will do such a thing? Yes I definitely do. Not blog-friends-of-mine of course. I'm sure their attitude won't let them do some cowardy thing (is it the word??) such as hiding behind some false identities. Oh, they are waaaaaaaay better than that!

Here's my suggestion: just save your time and energy (and the money to pay the internet connection) and please use it to do something more useful, for God sake! This is my blog, and I can write anything I want. I don't invite you to come (and read my stuff), mind you, so... whatever you say won't stop me from doing what I'm working on right now.


Linda said...

mbak dian, salam kenal. salam juga buat adek bayinya. semoga mbak dian dimudahkan Allah dalam segala urusan. Amiin

nda said...

sabar Di...just be strong yah...

verypurpleperson said...

hi dian keep strong always. better spend some good energy preparing baby's stuffs

- said...

ya ampuun di..emang bener ya ternyata pengangguran di indonesia itu udah tinggi banget..saking nggak ada kerjaannya sampe bikin beberapa blog sekaligus dengan identitas nggak jelas supaya bisa komen di blog ck..

KhRIY said...

Iya yah...itu 'org2' niat bgt bikin account cuman spy bisa komen di blog elo, Di. Knp jg gak bikin blog yg bgs 'n enak buwat dibaca gtu lho. Yg gak ngenakin, kok mau nyela2 org laen pake bawa2 nama Tuhan sgala =(

qt pie said...

Tabah yha mbak Dian... like an old saying, "It's better be alone and be happy than be together and feel alone and alone doesn't mean that you are lonely."

Mr. Soldier: If you are a real man, why do you hide your identity? and if you don't like what she writes, why do you keep on coming back? Don't you have better things to do? Just a question.