Thursday, December 29, 2005


The Way You Look at Me

No one ever saw me like you do
All the things that I could add up to
I never knew just what a smile was worth
But your eyes say everything without a single word

Coz there's something in the way you look at me
It's as if my heart knows you're the missing piece
You make me believe that there's nothing in this world I can't be
I'd never know what you see
But there's something in the way you look at me

If I could freeze the moment in my mind
Be the second that you touch your lips to mine
I'd like to stop the clock make time stand still
Coz baby this is just the way I always wanna feel

Coz there's something in the way you look at me
It's as if my heart knows you're the missing piece
You make me believe that there's nothing in this world I can't be
I'd never know what you see
But there's something in the way you look at me

I don't know how or why
I feel different in your eyes
All I know is that it happens everytime

Coz there's something in the way you look at me
It's as if my heart knows you're the missing piece
You make me believe that there's nothing in this world I can't be
I'd never know what you see
But there's something in the way you look at me

The way you look at me

(Christian Bautista)

Pesta Kejutan

Wapemred gue -BG- pensiun tahun ini. Dan besok adalah hari terakhir dia bekerja, setelah bergabung dgn grup ini sejak 1974 (minta ampun.... 31 thn...). She is a nice lady, menyebut dirinya Tante Oma kalau ngobrol sama Aria atau anak2 redaktur yg lain. Tadinya kita2 mau bikin surprise party besok (jumat) di rumah beliau, tapi kemarin (rabu), sekretaris redaksi bilang kalau hari itu sdh di-reserved sama BOD buat perpisahan beliau. Jadi kita majuin lah jadi hari ini. Meaning... we only had 1 day to prepare everything! Dan krn ga ada waktu buat kongkalikong sama org rumah, jadilah dipindahin tempat pesta di kantor saja. Artinya... kita hrs menyulap meeting room yg secuplik itu jadi ruang yg 'lebih layak'. Tukang tumpeng ditelpon disuruh majuin sehari. Juga tukang es kelapa dan cemilan lainnya. Trus usaha bgt minjem kain maroon untuk nutupin drawer dan dinding. Foto BG jaman dulu dicari2 trus dibikin a la cover majalah dgn coverline yg lucu2 sama crew artistik (BG-wave for your hair). Ada yg lgs terbang ke asemka beli balon dan confetti.... Ide paling brilliant adalah menelpon amarylist florist... yg memberi kita dua karangan bunga cantiiiiiik banget. GRATIS. Trus gue ngaduk2 gudang 'persembahan' nyari2 hadiah yg bagus buat BG. Dapet 1 set perlengkapan mandi l'occitane, make-up dior terbaru komplit, parfum escada, sama produk perawatan dari kose yg kalau disatuin jadi sekeranjang besar (wih, kayak ngurusin seserahan aja). Trus gue juga sempet ke kinokuniya beli voucher (BG adalah pecinta buku). Sip. Cihuy.

Jadi kemarin keguncangan itu dimulai. Sampai malem usaha menyulap meeting room jadi ballroom maroon yg ok banget, dgn balon2 warna emas. Kereeeeen.... Nggak perduli deh, dinding dan plafon pada bolong kena paku payung... hahaha... yg penting gaya. Trus ada tukang lukis kaos dadakan... yg melukis 23 kaos2 putih dgn tulisan I LOVE BG. Sebelum pulang, sempet kompakan sama supir kantor yg mau jemput BG buat pura2 mogok di jalan besok paginya, soalnya kalau nggak si BG bisa dateng duluan....

Tadi pagi pun semua janjian dateng pagi. Gue dipesenin bawa standard kanvas lukis nyokap, buat nyenderin foto BG. Trus Dz yg bawa karpet2 maroko nyokapnya. Ada Rs yg nggotong2 TV dan vcd player (krn ngotot mau ada karaoke-an). Ai yg bawa puding coklat enaaaak bgt. Dan macem2 lah.

Kita semua (tumben) dateng pagi, last minute beres2, trus nunggu BG deh. Pak supir sms waktu BG sdh sampe di setiabudi one. Jadilah sandiwara dimulai. Kaos ILB dipake dan didobel sama baju biasa. Trus kita semua pura2 nggak ada apa2, duduk manis di meja masing2. Begitu BG masuk, my pemred lgs panggil dia masuk ke ruangannya. Nah! Kita lgs mlipir deh ke meeting room. Setelah semua siap, salah satu dr kita sms mbak pemred supaya ngajak BG ke meeting room.... Hari ini memang sdh dijadwalin akan ada special meeting ngomongin edisi wedding, dan acara tahun depan, juga mau dipake BG buat pamitan. Begitu BG buka pintu... kita semua lgs teriak: SURPRISE!!! Dan sukses: Tante Oma bengong sebentar di pintu.... Melihat kita2 pake kaos putih seragam.... Hahahaha.... Tp BG sdh janji nggak nangis (hahaha). Senengnyaaaaaaa.... sukses juga bikin surprise party.

Habis gitu ya edan2an deh. Skrg ini di ruangan masih ada yg karaoke sambil makan nasi tumpeng dan minum es kelapa muda (after party kali yaaaaaa...). Bentar lagi pasti pada rusuh beres2nya... hahaha....

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Tentang Menunggu

Samudera Mengering

Aku... harus bisa mengalahkan
Malam-malam kesepian
Yang menjadi
Musuh besarku

Aku... harus bisa menaklukkan
Hari-hari sendirian
Yang menjadi
Lawan tangguhku

Tak ada yang akan bisa
Meruntuhkan niatku
'Tuk bertemu
Dan menyanding

Meski surya membenamkan
Tubuhku di lautan
Sampai samudera mengering

Kutunggu sampai samudera mengering


Thursday, December 22, 2005

Is It Rudolf?

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Kidang talun
mangan kacang talun
mil kethemil, mil kethemil
si kidang mangan lembayung...

(Papap selalu protes kalau ada yg nyanyi lagu ini: wong rusa skandinavia kok dinyanyiin kidang talun...)

Tuesday, December 20, 2005


Penting tidak penting, bagus tidak bagus... siapa yang menentukan sih? Apa patokannya? Kalau buat loe penting tapi buat gue nggak... trus kenapa?

Thursday, December 15, 2005


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Aku pernah ketiduran di depan Keong Emas....

Friday, December 09, 2005

So Sorry

I can't help myself but ask: "Kapan ke Jakarta lagi?"


Thursday, December 08, 2005

Thank You, Again (part 2)

Everybody was screaming seeing a pretty bouquet on my desk. Thank you.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Who Knows?


Time, I've been passing time watching trains go by
All of my life
Lying on the sand
Watching seabirds fly
Wishing there would be
Someone waiting home for me

Something's telling me it might be you
It's telling me it might be you
All of my life

Looking back as lovers go walking past
All of my life
Wondering how they met
And what makes it last
If I found the place
Would I recognize the face

Something's telling me it might be you
It's telling me it might be you

So many quiet walks to take
So many dreams to wake
And there's so much love to make
I think we’re gonna need some time
Maybe all we need is time

And it's telling me it might be you
All of my life

I've been saving love songs and lullabies
And there's so much more
No one's ever heard before

Something's telling me it might be you
Yeah, it's telling me it must be you and
And I'm feeling it'll just be you
All of my life

It's you, it's you
I've been waiting for all of my life
Maybe it's you
Maybe it's you
I've been waiting for all of my life.

(Stephen Bishop)

Tuesday, December 06, 2005


Kamu tahu kan...
Semua kejutan
Yang kamu buat
Akan selalu

Friday, December 02, 2005

Time Off

How can I tell people that I need to be left alone for a while?

Thursday, December 01, 2005


I was in a toy store accompany my friend who wants to buy a metal body for his gun. Suddenly I remembered you. No, it wasn't the gun that reminded me of you. It's the hobby. A unique one. Like yours. I miss you.