Tuesday, June 11, 2019

High Heels

Have you tried wearing a high heels? It is a lot of fun, I tell you....

Pakai sepatu tinggi itu sangat menantang. Seru. Harus jaga keseimbangan, dan perlu banyak latihan biar nggak nyungsep. Beneran ga bohong. Tapi lihat kan efeknya? Kalau pakai high heels itu, kaki jadi jenjang, seksi, menawan. Ayune ciamik tenan. Pakai sepatu flat memang lebih nyaman. Bisa buat lari-lari. Tapi... kurang ayuuuu... percaya deh. Kadang boleh aja sih nggak peduli sm ayu nggak ayu yg penting sigap cas cuuusss dan ga pegel setelahnya.

Rasanya hidup juga begitu deh. Kalau lebih menantang, akan lebih seru. Yang seru ini biasanya akan berhasil lbh memuaskan. Paling nggak, ada kepuasan bisa melewati tantangan. Ya kan?

Jadi, untuk yang sedang galau, sedang rusuh, sedang sakit... sabar ya. Banyak berdoa, dan terus berusaha. Jangan terlalu khawatir, pasrahkan pada Tuhan. Tidak ada yg abadi di dunia ini. Galau itu, rusuh itu, sakit itu juga tidak akan selamanya. It is going to be over eventually.

Good luck!

Tuesday, June 04, 2019

Doa Pagi

Mudah-mudahan banyak yang melihat lalu menyebarluaskan.

Sunday, June 02, 2019


I miss to tell you about all of my daily activities. How the traffic was so bearable, even Bekasi-BSD can be done by 45 minutes only. Or about my mom who was cleaning up the house and became everyone's enemy since she tend to throw away anything she dislike. Hmm... first, she dislike something didn't always mean the thing was bad or ugly... and 2nd... it is not her own house, right? So, with a lot of Lebaran hampers coming to the house lately, things has been going funny with her.

I miss to tell you about my son's final grade which was not as bad as he presumes. Some of the scores were so amazing, he even surprise himself. And we celebrated it at the Sushi Matsu, his favourite place.

I miss to greet you good morning, and receiving those eye-openers video links from the kajian you attended at the masjid. And you would tell me what you did the whole day when you stay there. Was it still packs? Was the food good? Where did you sleep?

I miss to see your face in my office lobby. Surprising me in one pretty afternoon, saying you just stopped by but then you ended up driving me home.

The bottom line is: I miss you.