Sunday, October 17, 2004

Masih Sama

Pertanyaan masih tetep:
ini kontraksi apa bukan ini kontraksi apa bukan ini kontraksi apa bukan?

Thursday, October 14, 2004


I was amazed
You still remember small things
I thought you already forgot them all
For you hate me so much.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004


Ketemu temen (T) di plaza Indonesia
T: Hey... you and your big belly... wow....
G: Hahahaha... amazing, isn't it?
T: It is. When will it due?
G: Errr... it's 38 week now.
T: OMG. And you are here, all by yourself....
G: Why?
T: Can you imagine how the strangers around you will act if you suddenly get your contraction here, in the mall? Go home!
G: Hahahaha.... Relax. I still have some stuff to do in the office.
T: Don't laugh. It's not funny. You should stay home and wait... not walking around with your oversized tummy!
G: Hahahaha.... He won't come today!
T: How do you know???? Ok, I guess I'd better be going. I don't wanna be the first person to see any change in your face when you start to feel that your baby is coming. And you... go home!
G: Hahahaha....

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Ibu yang Menunggu

Setiap hari Ibu sudah mengganti sprei kasurmu
Mengatur kembali boneka gajah & kuda nil di atasnya
Memutar musical machine 4 kali sehari: pagi & malam
Melihat mobil-mobil di musical machine itu berputar
Membongkar laci-laci baju-baju & kaos kaki mungilmu
Menatanya kembali... sesuai gradasi warna
Koper Ibu juga sudah ada di mobil
Semua sudah siap menyambutmu, Sayang
Kapan pun kamu tiba

Monday, October 11, 2004

Masih Ngantor

Pas gue dateng tadi sempat kaget... lah meja gue dipindahin ke mana? Huehehe... ternyata ik kena tendangan sudut aja boooo.... Tadinya kan di depan gitu duduknya, skrg jd ditempelin ke jendela. Cihuuuuy... posisi idaman, bisa ngumpet... hehehe.... Tp akibat pindah-pindahan ini gue kehilangan body lotion victoria secret dan anting yang hari jumat kemarin gue tinggalin di meja. Huh.

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Malu Bertanya Sesat di Jalan

Sebelum ada kepastian hamil, pertanyaan gue adalah: Hamil itu gimana rasanya?
Setelah betulan hamil, pertanyaan gue berubah jadi: Gerakan bayi di perut itu gimana rasanya?
Sekarang ini saat menghitung hari, pertanyaan gue makin ajaib: Kontraksi itu gimana rasanya?

Friday, October 01, 2004

The 1st Time

I'm contented with the position as the second best this time.