Tuesday, December 06, 2005


Kamu tahu kan...
Semua kejutan
Yang kamu buat
Akan selalu

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I am a simple minded man
learning was by doing
books have their pages
but you are what i want to read

your pages are as much a mystery as
those strange markings on cave walls
your button nose, breathes pulp
that i asperiate on, turning blue

the story line is never the same
some days you project a novella
luring me into wanton reading
of lechery goosebumbs.

i investigate, scarlet seams
and leather bindings,
as smoke & mirror incantations
of flesh and lust

I am mystifyed as to how to quote
your verse, for it flowes as the
nile- a river heard of, never seen
hopefully i can get to chapter two

(Joe Howell)