Thursday, March 11, 2010


Hari2 begini, saat seharusnya semua bersiap menghadapi deadline...kantor gue rusuh.

Tiba-tiba ada report bhw foto salah satu kontributor hilang. HILANG. Fotografernya resigned, dan koordinator dia terlalu cuek untuk bertanggungjawab atas anak buahnya. Mbok ya kalau anaknya mau resign, semua foto2 yg di kameranya di back up dulu kek. Atau dia pastikan semua kerjaan beres kek. Atau gimana deh. Manager bukannya harus gitu ya. Yg ada, dia hanya bilang gini: Hmmm... kalau mmg sdh hilang, ya hilang... diulang aja deh fotonya. Semprul. Oh... maaf ya, gue lgs berdoa semoga suatu saat dia menerima balasan atas ketidakprofesionalan ini. Huh.

Another report, pemotretan yg nyaris batal gara2 lawak: pertama nggak ada editornya, waktu sdh ada editor, nggak ada fotografer. Waktu fotografer sudah ketemu, nggak ada studio. Kepala rasanya mau pecah. Kenapa semua nggak bisa diajak kerja sama yg bener sih? Huh.

Ok, I know that boss is the one who supposed to do the dirty job...clean the mess...and make everything happen as planned. No matter what. So I did. Thank God. Alhamdulillah. Terserah deh hasilnya gimana. Nanti kalau majalah keluar dan jelek...maaf ya... banyak emergency.

One other thing.... one of the artistic team member is facing domestic problem. She is now filling a divorce. Being a person who had been through all the mess, I know I should be patient to her. Even though sometimes she did stupid thing, panic for nothing, or giving me a heart attack by saying something worse than it supposed to be.

I know I can get through all of these chaos. I was brave enough to be a single parent... everything else will only be peanut.

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