Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Kalau Demikian...

Semua yang Terlambat

Aku hanya sinar yang melintas sekedip...
Bagai kunang-kunang kecil...
Dan engkau, sayap-sayap yang meranggas,
Seusai sekepak kau mengudara
Membawa hatiku semua...

'Kita' adalah kata yang terlambat tercipta
Yang semestinya tak terjadi.
Dan cinta, ialah rasa yang pertama dan terakhir
'Tuk merangkum kerinduan
Kepasrahan, dan maafku...

'Tuk semua yang terlambat kulakukan
'Tuk semua yang tak sanggup kujanjikan
'Tuk semua...

Lama kucoba memandang jejak kaki kita tanpa sesal
Menerimamu tanpa aku...
Mengerti indahnya arti hari ini
Tanpa harapan 'tuk kembali.

Ke semua yang tak sempat kuungkapkan
Ke semua yang tak tepat kukatakan

Yang tak usai kujalani
Yang tak ingin kuingkari
Dan semua...



Anonymous said...


you must understand
I didn't want to leave
not now
not like this
but I was committed,
stuck half way
between dreams and wishes
between love and necessity
between your soul and reality
I wonder...
what you'd have done with me?
put me in your pocket?
to finger me idly
while folks paused to gape
at your sorrow with a smile.
no, my love
the secure binding of duty and your honor
tie me to the knowledge that its better this way.

(Eila Mahima Jaipaul)

Lafayette, LA, Mar-06

Anonymous said...

A Broken Heart

As I look up into the moonlit sky
I think of all the times that drifted by,
Some how a time went on,
We decided it was time we were done.
I just wanted us to be together,
You and I forever.
There's nothing left for me anymore
Since the day I walked through the book store.
I feel a warm, rhythm of beat within my soul,
Now my future looks nothing but like a fool.
I wanted to walk with you hand in hand
Along a beach with only sea and sand,
Now I just want to ride for miles on my bike
On my own down a country track.
