Wednesday, February 16, 2005

The Most Precious Thing

Yesterday I bumped into an old friend. We haven't met for about 14yrs!

What was the 1st question he asked?

"Anakmu sekarang berapa?"

He didn't ask where I live now, where I go to work, where I studied, how many degree I got, if I collect diamond, if my shoes were fake one, or if I drive my own car. He asked how many children I have.

And the 2nd sentence was:

"Anakku sudah 2, cantik semua."

He didn't say where he works, how many house he owned, how many car he has, or where he had been travelling. He simply said he has 2 beautiful daughters.

Yes, my friend, having children is priceless.

I do have one kid. And I thank God for the most precious thing I have in this world.

Ibu sayang Aria.


gre said...

satu aja repot.. :)

yang penting sehat.. ya nggak bu?

eh tapi saya ya pengennya satu lagi ding..

Anonymous said...


waduh, tulisannya simpel tapi dalem ya. bikin tercekat, hiks... tapi emang bener ya, anak itu nggak bisa dinilai dengan apapun ya, bu.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Mama nya De Aria

Apa kabar, Bu?

I also have one most precious thing ;).

** SyL **