Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Kalau sdh kangen terus tiap saat, ditelpon lebih dari 2 kali sehari (no matter how expensive international call is), berantem seminggu 3 kali.... sepertinya tanda harus move on to the next chapter. Setuju nggak?


Anonymous said...

Yuuuk..., mariii...!

ninit said...

eheeem! setujuuu!nit

~L said...

Long-distance relationships are really...romantic, intoxicating in their own way..
But yes...the next chapter sounds even more intoxicating :)

Anonymous said...

Waaah...Long Distance Relationship bagiku adalah No Relationship. Out of sight, out of mind.

Coba Skype, video camera...mungkin membantu...

Pipit said...

setuju banget Mbak. segeralah. haha. the sooner the better